You never hear anyone say a bad thing about a person who's passed away….think about it: every funeral you've been to, you've most likely heard lauds of love and acclaims of the deceased person as to have owned 'the biggest heart of anyone I've/he's/she's ever known.'  Tuesdays With Morrie touched on the subject: a terminally ill man wanted his funeral while he was still alive, so that people had the opportunity to tell him what he meant to their lives. 

This is not to suggest that we all presently should have memorial services to applaud ourselves.  Rather, simply, to touch on the fact that kindness and compassion move mountains…..if only we told people everyday what they meant to us, we would never have to worry about losing them without their reassurance of our care.  This is not necessarily to prove that we should all run around like happy hippies singing "Kum Bay Yah" constantly, loving each other ridiculously.  Hold a door open for someone, and when they thank you (if they do), look them directly in the eyes, smile wide, and welcome them.  Such acts, if more widespread, would do a world of good for all of us. 

Also: forgive.  So, after alot of crap has happened to me with some friends in the past few weeks, I've gotten hurt as well as angry, and neglected to really deal with any of it through my submissiveness and need to please others.....I've finally reached a moment of clarity after looking up some quotations on kindness and it's place in our world.

Basically, I just want all of you to read this and think of a time when you really weren't deserving of kindness from another and they bestowed it upon you graciously in infinite wisdom. In other words, whenever you're really angry with someone or hurt by them, remember a friend or family member that you've screwed over in the past that has not only forgiven you, but continued to love or be kind to you, even if it felt undeserved.....pass that on. I'll be honest, it's tremendously difficult, but think of how difficult it has been for others to be kind to you in the past.

Next time someone really hurts or angers you, try to take a breather and return to them with nothing but kindness and compassion.....and if you're really looking to follow Ghandi's advice ('Be the change that you wish to see in the world') go to someone who's been kind to you in the past (whether you'd hurt them or they were just there for you when necessary) and thank them.....I promise, it will change their perception just as much as yours.

Here are a few things I read that inspired me.....Ghandi had it right: hence, i will be the change I wish to see in this world. It's damn cheesy, but kindness is the only proven way we have to real peace and clarity......

"What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?" -Jean Jacques Rousseau

"Kindness is tenderness. Kindness is love, but perhaps greater than love...Kindness is good will. Kindness says, 'I want you to be happy.'" -Randolph Ray

"Do every act of your life as if it were your last."
-Marcus Aurelius

"The flower of kindness will grow. Maybe not now, but it will some day. And in kind that kindness will flow, for kindness grows in this way." -Robert Alan

"You have not lived a perfect day...unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you." -Ruth Smeltzer.

'I wanna live life and never be cruel.
I wanna live life and be good to you
I wanna fly and never come down
And live my life, and have friends around
We never change, do we?
No, no.
We never learn, do we?' -Coldplay....duh!

Just do it….kindness may be the only proof we have to internal happiness.  It may be the only proof we have of real peace.  It may be the only thing that we can give freely, as much as we want, no matter how sick or old or poor or unintelligent or unpowerful or meek we are.  Kindness is the only thing that anyone can give without money, without power, without physical strength, without popularity, without an education, without health, sometimes even beyond earthly life… don't need to be any of these things to be kind.  Can one assume, then, that kindness and compassion (and perhaps even love) are the only truly concrete things throughout eternity, spatially, scientifically, mathematically, logically, geographically, and in time?  I assume so. 

Kindness is the only thing that makes us realize ourselves. 

Kindness is the only thing that makes someone else feel special… matter what form of kindness, be it physical, verbal, or emotional/mental.

Kindness motivates forgiveness. 

Kindness (from others) humbles and humiliates us.

Kindness is that which encourages us to see our own inequities….forces us to be kind out of both humiliation and empathy. 

Kindness is the only thing that has brought down demons within us…..the kindness from others is that which forces us to realize our own lack of kindness, which often stems from something else. 

Kindness (from others) is the only thing that forces us to be kind. 

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